Our experts Prof. Dr. JB Morin and Jurdan Mendiguchia have published many magnificant papers on hamstring rehabilitation, the role of lumbopelvic mobility and stability, explosiveness, sprint posture and sprint training. Some of their content has been made available via clear video’s (see below), but ofcourse there is much more beneath the surface.
See you at the masterclass?!
VIDEO: Hamstring Rehab for Football Players
VIDEO: Sprint Analysis and Improving Sprint Efficiency
Sports Centre Ookmeer
This masterclass will be held in the city of Amsterdam, the city where everything is possible. Sports Centre Ookmeer – home of elite sport athletes in different sports – will open the doors for you during this masterclass.
Our instructurs will demonstrate and practice the knowledge in the lecture room, on the indoor/outdoor athletics track and in the amazing gym facility.
Sports Centre Ookmeer is easy to reach by car and has a free parking area next to our course facility. When using public transport from the centre of Amsterdam, Bus 61 will get you to the stop at Herman Bonpad, Troelstralaan. From there it is a very short walk to the course facility.
Sports Centre Ookmeer
Dr. Meurerlaan 7
1067 SM Amsterdam